The discourse of many adherents of Orthodoxy is not theological, psychological and even political in nature, said the Chairman of the DECR MP
"The discourse of many of the "zealots" is often not a theological, psychological and even political in nature, which makes it difficult to conduct discussions with them, because the conversation is with different languages," said the DECR Chairman Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) in an interview published September 15, the newspaper "NG-religion".The Bishop acknowledged that the group's "enemies of inter-Christian and interreligious cooperation" exist in each of the official of the local Orthodox Churches. "Most often," he says, " these people don't have great familiarity with non-Orthodox Christians, and the specifics of this kind of cooperation.". . . . . Читать полностью -->
An end to Russian economic miracle
The Financial Times has published a review of the status and prospects of the Russian economy, which is unlikely to please the Kremlin. At the moment, there exists the following official perception of economic reality: the Russian economic miracle was somewhat retarded by the financial shock of a foreign origin.In the period 2000-2008 annual growth of the Russian economy exceeded 7%, the real salary increased by 15%, the Federal budget showed annually increasing surplus. In June, on the eve of the crisis, President Medvedev promised to transform Moscow into a financial capital of the world, and the ruble - in the main reserve currency.Now is the moment of truth, and the Russian leadership must rethink some basic truth and its place in the global economy. 80% of Russian exports consists of oil, gas and metals. Economic boom, the completion of which we are witnesses, was caused by two main reasons - a sharp devaluation of the ruble in 98-99, and equally sharp rise in world prices for minerals on world markets.Between the years 2000-2007 metals prices rose by 275%. The energy to 210% and food - 1610%. Читать полностью -->
Saving the world from the energy crisis was estimated at 25 trillion dollars
In order to provide energy to the world, you need to invest about 25 billion dollars in the development of the energy sector until 2030. As reported Associated Press, said the energy Ministers gathered at the 12th international energy forum, which takes place in cancГєn.The IEA forecast in 2006, by 2030, energy demand will grow by half, and in order to provide energy to the world, by 2030, the sector will need to invest more than $ 20 billion.Previously CEO of British oil company BP Tony Hayward said that world energy consumption will grow by 2030 to 45 percent. According to him, in order to meet the needs of the world, the industry will need in the next 20 years investment 25-30 trillion.Only the countries of the Organization of countries - exporters of oil, you may need to invest from 70 to 170 billion dollars in oil production until 2013. Giant gaps in the OPEC forecasts explain the uncertainties in the global economy, the recovery of which depends on the energy demand. However, by 2020, investments of OPEC countries in the energy sector can be 250 billion dollars. OPEC fears that investment in oil production can be excessive because of unclear forecasts.In 2009 it became known that the energy strategy of Russia is investing in the energy sector by 2030 in the amount of 2 trillion dollars.Now in the world more than 2.5 billion people lack modern fuels, and about 1.5 billion people have no electricity.In the International energy forum was attended by delegations from more than 60 countries, as well as heads of major international organizations and energy companies. Читать полностью -->
Sellers advertise, silent power, people eat. Russians piled harmful products, starting with children
World day of protection of consumer rights, which is celebrated throughout the civilized world, Russia can be attributed to the holidays, "with tears in his eyes." Despite the fact that the Russians, by law, not less rights than Western consumers, the citizens of our country the majority are deprived of the right to receive reliable and high quality information about how good and not dangerous to the health of the food they consume. In 2008 the emphasis is on the problem of the proliferation of unhealthy food to children. The health Ministry warns that the country rapidly growing number of children suffering from obesity and diabetes.Meanwhile, concern about the health of the nation, it seems, is a headache only to a narrow circle of specialists on the protection of consumer rights. They alone trying to deal with massive advertising unsuitable for children food and lobbyists from among producers of juices and infant formula, expanding its range of proposals for the children's range of goods not complying with the norms of a healthy diet.The revelation of the Chairman of the Board of the International Confederation of consumer societies /CONFOP/ Dmitry Janina indifferent regarding the position of the highest political authorities of the Russian Federation in the protection of citizens from poor quality and unhealthy food discordant with the recent statements made by the authorities during the election campaign that the health of the nation is one of the main priorities of the new leadership of the country.Despite the fact that Russia is the world day of protection of consumer rights is celebrated for 15 times, and in the country there is a law "On protection of consumer rights", the Russians remain one of the most vulnerable and poorly educated in the matter of Nations. Traditionally, the citizens of the country are faced with the "pitfalls" in the housing sector, trade. But in recent years the main "beach" consumer market of the country became poor-quality and dangerous food products, which thanks to aggressive advertising and "frontal" attacks marketers overtake us everywhere.The most vulnerable in this situation were children, which in conditions of "neprodumannosti" parents were victims of propaganda unhealthy diet. Читать полностью -->
Holiday selection of holiday
The Russians still do not understand very well, what are you going to celebrate the 4th of November. Sure only pensioners - their main holiday revolution day remainsMoscow. On 31 October. INTERFAX - Today is Friday, but the mood is something quite apetitnoe. Because tomorrow again who to bench, who in the presence of a - Saturday, November 1, the country declared a working day in the bill Monday, November 3. This is done to give the Russians a long weekend on the occasion of Day of national unity and reconciliation that we are expecting a fourth. Читать полностью -->
West Moscow is preparing a nasty surprise
Andrey TerekhovU.S. Senator urged Bush not to go to the G8 summit in St. PetersburgRepublican Senator John McCain called on the last Sunday of President George Bush not to go to the summit "big eight" in St.-Petersburg. This event is scheduled for July 15-17. The Russian foreign Ministry yesterday was not going to individually respond to the speech of the Senator. In the words of one diplomat, "at every sneeze will not nazdravstvueshsya".Indeed, as we approach the July meeting of the G8 wave of criticism from abroad is steadily increasing. Читать полностью -->