Premier HQ
New head of Ukrainian government Mykola Azarov and his Cabinet in the first place plan to clean up the flaws of their predecessorsGenerated on Thursday, the coalition in the Verkhovna Rada supported the proposed regionals candidacy for the post of Prime Minister of the country. As expected, to head the Cabinet of Ministers will have the head of the campaign headquarters of the President of Ukraine Mykola Azarov. Newly minted Prime Minister, whose government has also received the approval of MPs, promises in the first place, to give the country the budget for the current year and rebuild it.Appeared in Ukraine a few hours earlier, the parliamentary coalition was baptized by unanimous approval of the new Prime Minister of the country."The country looted the state's Treasury is empty, the economic downturn continues, the national debt has increased three times". . . . Читать полностью -->
Dictatorship sluggish development
SVETLANA BOCHAROVA"Development dictatorship" is the most probable scenario of development of the political situation in Russia in the next two years. This is the conclusion of the group of experts, whose report on Monday will release the Fund INDEM.Recently the presentation of the work "Scenarios for Russia 2008-2009". Possible scenarios of transformation of the political regime in Russia has described numerous group of experts, composed of journalist and political scientist Yevgenia Albats, economist Alexander Auzan, political scientist Emil pain, economist Leonid Smirnyagin, and also the President of the INDEM Foundation Georgy Satarov. This short-term forecast, which we must understand so that we can represent the images of the future in relation to their acts or omissions, which can change something," explained Satarov, who presented the project.According to Satarov, five scenarios of possible transformations of the political regime in Russia were named in 2005.Last brainstorming, during which it was estimated the probability of realization in Russia of one of the scenarios, the experts held on 18 October, in the context of the global financial crisis.In total, the experts identified five possible scenarios for Russia in the next two years:- inertial "Sluggish Russia",- quasiprojective "development Dictatorship",- "Security dictatorship", implying a tightening of the regime in order to self-preservation,- "Revolution" whose chief characteristic is illegitimate change of power, and, finally,script Smart Russia (Smart Russia"), which provides for urgent liberalization and movement on the Western way.Assessing the chances of the possibility of those or other rotary event, experts have identified as one of the key - the emergence of new influential political force. Such political force, according to their opinion, now is not, and soon her appearance is not expected. However, if such force and will, experts say, is not on the right political flank, and on the left.In General in the coming years, experts expect either to maintain the status quo in the political field, either, with the amendment to the financial crisis, a slight rise of conflict.If the experts are wrong and the crisis in Russia will be tough, the likely implementation scenarios "Security dictatorship, when the government will be forced to defend themselves, or "Revolution". Читать полностью -->
Medvedev is silent about spy scandal, expecting some kind of reaction Obama
Dmitry Medvedev will not react to the arrest of Russian spies in the USA until the direct reaction of Barack Obama, according to the Russian media. A couple of years ago Moscow reacted would be noisy, but now came the command from the highest authority: guys, calm down," said the magazine "Russian Newsweek" a former intelligence officer.Russian TV channels are now given the command to talk about the scandal emphasized restraint and even irony, notes close to the Kremlin source: in the sense that "what they are spies, if they are even accused of espionage is not". Both Moscow and Washington seek to reduce the pathos of history, using the fact that the arrested accused only of money laundering. Nevertheless, in the Russian Federation just in case options hard response - through the Duma, the TV, the newspaper claims.So far, however, Russia and the U.S. is not going to inflate scandal. "Until we see a course on discharge and do not intend to abandon this course," says the source. Читать полностью -->