Shot in a mission project of the Church
Exacerbation of religious hatred will grow as the clericalization of RussiaMelnikov L. A.Today will be the burial of a priest Daniil Sysoev, who died from the shots of an unknown assassin on Thursday evening. Since the assassination a few days there were a lot of opinions and comments about the tragedy. After the first, emotional, replicas appeared the statements of religious leaders and politicians, which clearly reads that this tragedy very different forces would like to take advantage of.The Council of Muftis of Russia asked not to link the murder of a priest with Muslims. The Deputy of the state Duma Vera Lekarev called on the government to tighten measures against new religious movements, in the sense of the word "sects". Zhirinovsky decided that this murder was a reaction to the recent decision to abolish the death penalty the constitutional court.Naturally, spoke about the murder of a priest and Patriarch Kirill. The Patriarch of this tragedy couldn't hurt especially painful. And not just because it happened on his birthday. Father Daniil was one of the most active and committed members of a wing of the Russian Orthodox Church, which sees the essential task of the Church in active missionary work. This group of hierarchs and clergy receives special support from the current Primate of the Church.In recent years, Russia has killed many priests of the Moscow Patriarchate at the hands of burglars and other intruders. Had experienced repeated burning of Orthodox churches, as the investigation revealed, the perpetrators were representatives of the neo-pagan and neo-Nazi Russian groups. Death Daniel Sysoev can kindle much more dangerous to society and the state, the conflict between the two major religions. Not coincidentally, Patriarch Kirill urged to refrain from making hasty accusations against individuals or groups in connection with the murder of a priest.Probably not worth it to focus on stereotypical accusations against the mythical "Satanists" used media missionary of the Moscow Patriarchate in such cases, and after them repeated some of the TV channels immediately after the tragedy. Anyone who is familiar with Church life, known sphere of the missionary interests of the murdered priest. He has stated publicly that aims to draw in the Russian Orthodox Muslims. He did the baptism of the Tartars, had talks with Muslim, both personally and through the forum, in its missionary blog.I must say that Daniel Sysoev was caused during the life of the rage among a certain circle of the Muslim public. Some Muslim journalist initiated a lawsuit against the priest. Several Islamist news portals were against him an information campaign. In the Islamic community of Russia there is a group of public figures and journalists, who declared the meaning of the furious struggle with the so-called "Islamophobia". In this struggle they find inspiration in the writings of the Islamic intellectuals of Europe. "Jihad" against the violation alleged in the Old continent the rights of Muslims became the background against which the European capitals grow minarets, a closing Christian churches.The sharpness of contradictions, which is observed around Muslim communities in Europe, Islamic radicals would like to move to Russia, fanning the conflict from every little thing. These efforts Islamists missionary Daniel Sysoev is facilitated.Of course, not only Sysoev gave rise to irritation of the Islamists. Some circles in the Church share his ideas for the evangelization of the followers of the Prophet Muhammad. So, one of the prominent figures of the Church have stated not so long ago that Kyrgyzstan should become an Outpost for mission of the ROC in Central Asia."We should keep firmly in mind and know that the path of service to Christ and His Church is always associated with the witnessing of faith and even martyrdom. Tragic death of father Daniel should not settle in our hearts the fear and cowardice, to weaken our zeal to make God's work" - said in his statement on the death of Daniil Sysoev, the Patriarch.I am sure that the Patriarch's call will take effect. Public Orthodox organizations, known for his uncompromising militancy in missionary work, has already announced that today they will be organized whether the procession, whether flashmob in protest against the murder of a priest.I would not want to watch in the future such cases of "martyrdom" for the glory of whatever creed. The memory of the victims of religious violence provokes the desire to take revenge.