Ukraine Russia does not need
Only 14% of Russians would like Association with Ukraine, find sociologists. On the contrary, even after closing the gas pipe our neighbors continue to have a positive attitude to Russia.The majority of Russians (51%) and Ukrainians (68%) do not want the visa regime and closed borders, found the "Levada-center poll. However, a third of respondents in Russia (29%) still felt that "Russia's relations with Ukraine should be the same as with other States - with closed borders, visas and customs". Among the inhabitants of Ukraine, this opinion is shared by only 8%.Differ somewhat similar results of a survey conducted by the centre for social studies "Sofia" in Ukraine in early February. The survey "Sofia" showed that 63.9 percent of Ukrainians don't want no visas or customs. However, two times more than according to "Levada-center", 19% of Ukrainian respondents felt that relations between Ukraine and Russia should be the same as with other States, with border controls and visas. And only 16% (versus 23% "Levada") expressed the opinion that Ukraine and Russia must unite into a single state.Interestingly, the share of Ukrainian citizens wishing to unite with Russia (23%), almost twice the relative number of Russians who are experiencing similar feelings (14%).Compared with March 2008 in January 2009, immediately after the gas conflict, the number of Russians positively related to Ukraine, were nearly halved from 55% to 29%. On the contrary, even frozen without gas the Ukrainians have become more loving Russian 91% in February 2009 versus 88% in April 2008 expressed a positive attitude towards Russia. Bad attitude toward Ukraine 62% of Russians (33% in March 2008), whereas only 5% of Ukrainians bad attitude to Russia.Relations between the two countries as "bad" estimated 60% of people surveyed by the "Sofia" Ukrainians, 23% described them as "very bad". Only 12% described the relationship as "good". But in relation to the gas conflict Slavs was surprisingly jointly: the people of Russia felt that from its resolution in the winners were Ukraine (20%), Ukrainians - Russia (35%). However, 34% of respondents and 24% of Ukrainians still believe that "everyone was a loser".In Russia the survey was conducted by the Levada-centre" January 23-26, 2009 among 1,600 Russians in 128 settlements of 46 regions of the country. The statistical error does not exceed 3.4%. 2038 Ukrainians were interviewed 6-15 February 2009 by the Kyiv international Institute of sociology.