With fear and reproach

Fear before the society, modern culture and someone else's faith prevents domestic Orthodoxy in his missionary efforts.Boris FalicovThe Russian Orthodox Church led by Patriarch Kirill went to the missionary offensive. A skilled rhetorician and experienced preacher, the Patriarch stands at the stadiums, collecting the youth audience and trying to find common language with her.Cyril is well aware that the future of the Church depends, will it be able to convey his teachings to a new generation.And true, to stay in the cultural ghetto and pray at the past, sighing on the irrevocable Holy Russia, is a dead end.But how is the Church the society, which it is the good news? Listening to the invective of other missionaries in his address, I understand that the submission of these painted in a very dark tone. Unwittingly the impression that these people look at contemporary culture and society as inveterate enemies of the Church who are dreaming, as if to destroy it. And other confessions and religions are represented for them the devious rivals, and only dreams of snatching simple souls and lead them into a maze of false beliefs.In many ways, these dark images - the result of too long in the ghetto, from which the Church just wants to escape. And they little untrue.Most of society sees it as the enemy (a handful of inveterate secularists do not count). Rather, it refers to him good-naturedly. But this complacency is distracted and indifferent nature.Yes, Orthodoxy is good, but what is his "goodness", most people could not answer. Or limited common place that Russia has always been Orthodox, let it remains. This is not surprising. Because Orthodox missionaries exactly about and say. But it is said with a panic tone: Orthodoxy, this national treasure, facing imminent spoilage. And the primary task of the Church is to defend against this threat. What does all this have to do real life people that can change the belief - like very specific things in these threads vitesta it is extremely difficult to distinguish (one of the few exceptions - the Patriarch's speech). While benevolent indifference persists. But if the personal preaching of faith again and again substituted by battle with chimeras, complacent indifference will be replaced by boredom or, worse, hostility. Too far these abstract horror stories from those problems faced by the Russians.Modern culture even in its most radical manifestations also not sees it as the enemy. Moreover, in contrast to most of the public actual artists have a keen interest in religious issues in itself.When the artist paints the logo of "Coca-Cola" "This is my blood", he does not encroach on the image of the Savior. On the contrary, acts as an ardent fighter against the society of consumption, which easily creates a surrogate sacred of the subject of sale. Countway just it, not the artist. No matter how crazy it sounds to other adherent of Orthodoxy, artist beats with blasphemy is much braver than he that puts his work fierce ostracism.If the poet in a dark poetic reveries, faces its own guardian angel, who with his outrageous look rather frightening than inspiring (and angel do this?), poetry shows his ruthless honesty. But the desire adherents of Orthodoxy accustomed to accuse him of Satanism speaks of their spiritual blindness and the following empty stereotypes of piety.Ridiculous endlessly to suspect the Orthodoxy of proselytizing, attempting deception to gain in their network simple-minded Russians. Even if such things occur, they should not define the relations between religions. Christian denominations achieved much more in the way of cooperation and not excessive suspicion.When Orthodox fighters for the purity of faith pounce with similar (often unfounded) accusations of Catholics and Protestants, exposing them almost the main enemies of the Church, it causes confusion among the General public. And missionary efforts did not help, but only undermines the authority of the Church.Meanwhile, Catholicism became the first to successfully create a mass youth movement, and Protestants have accumulated extensive experience in the fight against alcohol and drug addiction. And it would be much more productive on this experience to rely on, and not to reject him from the doorway as the machinations of dishonest competitors.Scandalous showdown with non-Christian religions and he does not want. Attempts to expose them as criminal gangs seeking to profit, and even gatherings of extremists, and even to encourage them strongly harm the state of the Church in its missionary offensive. Too they resemble denunciations, which are unbecoming to stoop organization, talk about immutable moral principles.What is the reason for such a negative view on society, culture and someone else's faith, which is characteristic of a significant number of people posing as guardians of Orthodoxy? One reason - fear.It makes to see for the ecclesiastical fence crowds of enemies and detractors, which must be crushed by the sword of the true faith. And spend a lot of effort to do battle with chimeras generated by the inflamed imagination. This fear is the result of ignorance, and still more ongoing siege of psychology, which directly contradicts the missionary openness. And the saddest thing, it betrays a lack of confidence. If this fear is not overcome, the missionary offensive by the ROC, quickly choking.Some comments1.I think that Orthodox Christianity can't compete with Christian standai - the simplest Protestantism. Orthodox variant of Christianity too scientist to present a Christian. I'm not ready to say that Christians are getting dumber - they were always the same. But the company has wised up considerably. Many people are forced every day to think and not…2.The Orthodox Church, trading and imposing their faith, gross. We have a secular state and society is tolerant of other religions. But if the imposition continues, well it will not end. It is because of not conformity to the way of life and preaching the virtues, I have abandoned Orthodox Christianity. Well I am a believer…3. "The Church is not a political party (met0)".Yes, no, dear, met0. It is that the party, though, because the party and the Church is, above all, organization. Any dictionary from Wikipedia level to academic - defines the Church as a religious organization, Association of followers of a particular religion on the basis of…4.I am against such a Church, which highlights restaurants casino. And which compromise principles for the sake of money and power (IMHO horn and hammer power). What duhovnost? So if you say something that is not in tune official of the ROC or you will have my opinion, you are immediately accused of extremism or branded in sectarianism.

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