Still in the early

Michael ShanksSurprisingly, with the millennial history of our Christianity is still "just beginning". I used to be viewed with optimism justifiably famous Alexander. And now I think, not a diagnosis. Never learn, don't understand the history, not living in it, and they are still in the running on the spot, in wandering around among old and does not solve the problem. "We see the devil leads us and around the sides." What is it about Pushkin was not about Russia? The same Russia that can be determined not only between Europe and Asia, but, more importantly, between Christianity and paganism, vizantiyskom and live the gospel by faith, slavery and responsible freedom.Today trumpeting about the revival of loyal subjects to the state of the churches - Orthodox and Evangelical Christians. And people shy away from these churches. The new Patriarch vows to protect "outside the canonical boundaries", but neighbors, the Slavs are not very happy about this, Moscow is for them a foreign capital, and the Russian Orthodox Church - a relic of the Russian Empire. Shout about Russia for the Russians, and the Russians themselves are becoming less and less. No, no one attacks us, not in the war killed our guys. Destroy themselves with drugs and alcohol, not forgetting to beat their Breasts from national pride.Words of truth about the real situation in the Church and society said in 1974 E. V. Barabanov, unfortunately, little-known author: "Despite this explicit, leaving no doubt be the obedience of the Church to the state, even people far from Christianity, expect her to be of some General updating. They want to see in the Russian Church the effective force that is able to oppose the false ideological conventionalism of genuine spiritual values, to adopt moral principles, to drink "living water". Those who personally know the Church life, usually look less optimistic. They are inside survived all those terrible diseases and dead ends of contemporary Church life and therefore believe that the Church will only be able to influence our society, when it is itself becoming a free and democratic, and will free the Church from the imposed state and political bondage.Will not yet to discuss which of these points of view more in line with reality. Undoubtedly, those are right who see in Christianity the unconditional approval of the truth about man and human society. Only on the basis of this highest truth and it is possible to assert the exceptional value of a person, the value of his life and his work. Only in Christianity is the deepest meaning of public life, culture and economy" (E. V. Drums. The schism of the Church and the world // From under the boulders. - M., 1974). The article was published in the collection "From under the rubble", which was collected by A. I. Solzhenitsyn, and turned out to be prophetic.But what has changed since then? Heard the author perceived his ideas? After all, the Treasury of Christianity is not to build a "unified" and "fair" Russia. But a living faith, and now are not held in high esteem. It turns out that we're still early in his Christian history.

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