A woman leader in the modern world

Appointment in the new government Viktor Zubkov two women can be considered from two points of view: as a political step, as a step caused professional expediency, says a leading researcher, Institute of Europe RAS, political scientist, candidate of economic Sciences Alexander Zaichenko.In interview to the correspondent of radio "TEOS" he said, "it seems to Me that this solution is dominated political step. This happened before the election. There is a struggle for votes for the electorate. Removed two posts (Gref and Zurabov), not particularly popular, and one not very popular (Zurabov, the Minister. And assigned to women. This accomplishes two goals of the policy. First, the electorate is curtsy — a collective response to requests and demands to replace unpopular Ministers. And that's a nod to the powerful, large, female electorate.The second and important point would be professional expediency, which sounds sometimes in the experts. Both women are Executive, professional, decent, but nothing more. Known political figures, or scholars, they were not. We are talking about changing two political figures, who should be the Ministers, on good workers, but nevertheless only performers, good administrators.With the development institutes of the Russian authorities consider it a step back. Decreases the rank of Minister, a political figure, he turns into a professional high-ranking official". Still, in the political arena of Russia Gref was a prominent figure.To this comment the correspondent of radio "TEOS" asked what he thinks the political scientist and Director of the online newspaper "Protestant" A. S. Zaichenko about the appointment of women as heads of churches. This summer a woman pastor was headed by two thousandth Baptist Church in Georgia, as reported www.baptist.org"I am a Russian Baptist and look at this as a step that contradicts the basics. We have the Bible, we open it and read: "your Wives in the churches silent Yes".In a changing world it is necessary to highlight the main and secondary. Minor, unimportant can be considered, for example, one's clothes, now women have no handkerchiefs on their heads, of course, has changed, fashion has changed relationships within the family – now it has widened the horizon. But why should a woman's face to appear at the head of the Church?" — concluded Alexander Zaichenko.

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