In Europe

Tamara ShkelPresident Dmitry Medvedev has introduced yesterday in the state Duma on the ratification of the European social Charter. This is a new, revised 1996 version of the Charter, which was signed on behalf of Russia on 14 September 2000 in Strasbourg.Together with the European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms European social Charter is a unique mechanism for the protection of human rights. The first document of our country ratified 30 March 1998. And now we have reached the second. Ratification of the European social Charter in Russia said. It was one of the main points of the election program, with which electoral associations and individual candidates went to the Duma elections ten years ago.But right now, in a period of protracted economic crisis, when the state waives certain programs, highlighting its social obligations, this target proved to be particularly relevant. At the February conference of social Ministers of the Council of Europe the Chairman of Russian government Vladimir Putin has declared readiness of Russia to raise domestic social standards to the best European and world standards". Currently, the European social Charter was signed by all 47 member States of the Council of Europe. 39 States have ratified it, with 15 of the 1961 Charter, and 24 - revised in 1996 and has expanded the amount of guaranteed social rights. This updated Charter should gradually replace the original. Ratification of the Charter will fulfill one of the commitments of the Russian Federation undertaken when joining the Council of Europe in February 1996.The European social Charter guarantees social and economic rights: housing, health, education, employment, freedom of movement, freedom from discrimination and legal protection. And establishes a Supervisory mechanism guaranteeing their respect by the States parties to the Charter who regularly needs to provide reports about how true it accepted the provisions of the Charter and to which the new provisions it is ready to join. The Charter does not provide for mandatory immediate adoption of all the articles. There is a flexible system that allows States to make selection of articles, but binding in this case to agree with the main articles for obligations that are considered fundamental. In the document submitted to the Duma for ratification, it is proposed to enter into commitments on behalf of the Russian Federation in relation to articles 19 (67 points) of article 31 (98 points) of the Charter, including six articles(1, 5, 6, 7, 16 and 20) of the nine mandatory (this article about the right to work, the right to Association, right to collective bargaining, the right of children and young persons to protection, the right of the family to social, legal and economic protection, the right to equal opportunities and equal treatment in employment and professional activities without discrimination on grounds of sex). The implementation of these commitments will not entail additional expenses from the Federal budget. Dmitry Medvedev the decree has appointed the Minister of health and social development Minister Tatyana Golikova official representative of the Russian President in the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the ratification of the European social Charter.

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