What is applauding the Federal Assembly?
Dmitry Medvedev appealed to a more primitive society2009-11-12 Stanislav Minin browser NG-InternetDmitry Medvedev has addressed to Federal meeting with the annual message. The message was interrupted by applause 63 times. Applause is any assessment of freshness, originality, surprise, innovation statements, or a sign of full agreement with the speaker.I think in this case there is a second option. The absolute consent. The feeling of like-mindedness with the President. The statements by Medvedev started clapping even before the onset of pauses time designed for applause. Clapped as something familiar, concurring in the details, the nuances, accents, intonations with your own thoughts on a given topic.In this connection it is worth quoting a few sentences from the introduction (strategic) part of the presidential address:"Instead of a primitive raw materials economy we will create a smart economy producing unique knowledge, new things and technologies, things and technologies that are useful to people.".