Five areas of development

Dmitry Medvedev urged to modernize Russia on the basis of democracy and named the main points of your strategyAs you know, the proposals made by the President in his address to the Federal Assembly, very quickly become laws. Among the proposals that Dmitry Medvedev announced on Thursday, the overall modernization of the economy, increase of pensions, the development of pharmaceutical market, the transition to digital television, the construction of nuclear reactors of new generation and the reduction of time zones. In addition, a bad word was mentioned of the Corporation, and to inefficient enterprises the promised withdrawal from the market.Unlike his predecessor and current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who met with parliamentarians in the marble hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, Dmitry Medvedev chose to read the Epistles of St George's hall of the main residence."In the twenty-first century, our country once again needs to undergo comprehensive modernisation, and this will be our first ever experience of modernisation based on the values and institutions of democracy".

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