Sergey Shidlovsky accuses, pastor Sunday Adelaja in a lie

Sergey Shidlovsky To the editors of our portal received a letter of the press service of the international interfaith "Movement of the seekers of God." In it the leader of the movement Sergei Shidlovsky throws in the address of pastor Sunday Adelaja serious charges. To avoid misunderstandings and confusion, we publish the text of the statement."I resent deeply the monstrous dimensions of lies of pastor Sunday Adelaja and arrogance with which he delivers, and how much he has accomplices. Up until now, I spoke about Sunday Adelaja only positive, because I always tried to think about all only good, to respect God's anointed, and because I am sincerely grateful to the Sunday for all the good things he has done for me and many others. But now, hearing terrible lie Sunday, I can't keep quiet anymore!I appeal to You, pastor Sunday: "When I was in prayerful solitude, GOD TOLD ME to REBUKE YOU!" Therefore, I declare to the world that the company "kings capital" started Sunday Adelaja, I'm not talking about the legal basis, and about the beginning of the company's activity in the Church "Embassy of God", and about her spiritual covering. He's the only one in fact, she was headed and truly controlled. The rest of the employees of the company were as puppets.I am shocked by how pastor Sunday Adelaja is trying to hide his involvement! Know and heard by thousands of people! I personally attended many of the meetings, when pastor Sunday Adelaja not only urged all to carry money is in "kings capital", but mockingly laughed over those who haven't done so already! I personally sat in the hall, when he was explaining to everyone how important it is to take out a loan under my apartment and put it in this company. Pastor Sunday brought on stage men who have laid their apartment, and put them in the example to everyone else.Moreover, now I am ashamed that I myself was deceived by this man so that, together with thousands of people from the Church "Embassy of God", relying only on the spiritual authority of the pastor Sunday, made "kings capital" more than one thousand euros, and even persuaded my mom to pawn or sell her apartment in Belarus, to bring the money to pastor Sunday. I, along with all carried money it is Sunday and not "kings capital", not Bandurchenko and Safonov, and only fully trusting the authority of Sunday Adelaja and his call from the scene. Once again, I became a contributor of "kings capital" only from the trust to the Sunday Adelaja and his call to invest in this company.With all responsibility I declare before God and the people, I pledge the word of a Christian and I gamble all my service to God and all my reputation as a servant of God, Sunday Adelaja said, "Who is against "kings capital" - is against me!" and "This is the only company that I recommend you!". Especially affected me very much then one day pastor Sunday Adelaja brought to the stage of the Kyiv Sports Palace, Alexandra and Alexander Safonov Bandurchenko, and gave them such advertising that the next day hundreds of people crowded into the office of their company. Guarantee factor of the whole event were the words of Sunday Adelaja, he personally supervises the activities of Safonova and Bandurchenko, and their company. Right from the stage Sunday Adelaja promised 60% per annum. I was not mistaken, it is 60%, I heard it with my own ears together with thousands of people! Then followed by a decrease in interest rates, but initially everyone, including me, have invested 60%!!! I understand that it looks funny now believe in such a "Scam"! But this is what happened: I did something stupid, just trusting the Sunday Adelaja on the floor.In the end, I lost only around one thousand euros and didn't put in my mom's apartment, so do not misunderstand me - my motivation is resentment for the lost funds. But, my heart suffers when I hear a lie, pastor Sunday, Adelaja that he never advised people to invest in "kings capital"!I sincerely sympathize with all who now loses an apartment and money. I'm worried about the Protestant Church that pastor Sunday Adelaja, so badly compromised our people and the governments of the CIS countries!I appeal to You, pastor Sunday: "I publicly accuse You of lying! You're a liar, and it's not the devil, but God is fighting with You!".

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